Thursday, October 20, 2011

Benefit at Buddy Guy's Legends on November 30

Kenny Neal called this morning after talking to Buddy Guy and confirming a date at Buddy Guy's Legends for the Jim O'Neal Blues Benefit on November 30. Thanks to Kenny and all the Chicago musicians who have called or sent messages, including Billy Branch, Eddie C. Campbell, Eddy Clearwater, Elmore James Jr., Bo Dudley, Deitra Farr, Sugar Blue, and Nora Jean Wallace (Bruso).

Kenny and Memphis Gold, who organized the Oct. 20 benefit in Hyattsville, Maryland, both know what it's like to face major health challenges. Not long ago Kenny had to take a year off from performing and undergo chemotherapy, while Memphis Gold (Chester "Chet" Chandler, aka "K.D.") suffered a serious fall that caused spinal damage and still needs a wheelchair or walker to get around. Thanks for the inspiration you have provided, Kenny and K.D.!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blues Benefit shows

My sincere thanks go out to everyone who has sent donations and good wishes since I was diagnosed with cancer in June. Several benefits have been organized to help with expenses, including one on Oct. 20 at the Surf Club in Hyattsville, Maryland, put together by D.C. bluesman Chester "Memphis Gold" Chandler and another on Oct. 28 at Knucklehead's in Kansas City headed by Baton Rouge's Kenny Neal. Kenny is also working on another date at Buddy Guy's Legends in Chicago, possibly on November 19. More details will be posted as available.

In the meantime, I am receiving chemotherapy and so far I've been able to continue to work at my laptop doing writing and research for the Mississippi Blues Trail. I have lots of writing and research projects still to do and it's been gratifying to have the warm support of friends in the blues community.
